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NKT stands as a leading cable manufacturer, valuing the experiences of its employees while also embracing the opportunities presented to the new generation. This enables the continuation of the long-standing tradition of the multinational company. Responding to our inquiries are experienced Product Manager, Jan Musil, and his colleague, Marek Kincl, who is poised to succeed him in his role.

Ing. Jan Musil

Product Manager, NKT s.r.o.

Ing. Marek Kincl

Product Engineer, NKT s.r.o.

You are esteemed professionals within NKT. However, you are now entrusting your position to a younger colleague. How do you perceive this transition? How is NKT supporting you in this process?

Jan Musil: Personally, this change isn’t one I eagerly anticipate. I’m someone who thrives in the routine of a typical workday and isn’t keen on staying idle. Recognition of my continued importance from those around me serves as a positive motivator. However, professionally, acknowledging that nobody remains indefinitely is essential. Passing on my position is inevitable, particularly given the intensive customer interaction this role demands. This transition also involves passing on relevant experiences to different product groups, diverse markets, and various customer segments. I appreciate NKT’s provision of time for this transfer of knowledge and contacts.

Why should young people consider pursuing employment in the industry, specifically at NKT?

Jan Musil: The current Generation Z is growing up in a predominantly virtual environment, potentially disconnected from the tangible experience of technical matters. While they acquire information from computer screens, they often lack hands-on technical creativity. Cable manufacturing relies on three fundamental levels of technical and technological knowledge. Approximately 40% involves electrical engineering, another 40% chemistry, and the remaining 20% mechanical engineering. Consequently, NKT offers technically inclined young individuals not just a job but also diverse opportunities for personal growth.

Zdroj: Adobe Stock

How does NKT support the growth and development of graduates and young professionals?

Jan Musil: One form of support is the opportunity for postgraduate studies. For instance, four young employees of NKT s.r.o. have enrolled in a postgraduate program established in collaboration with the Czech Technical University in Prague and the Association of Cable Manufacturers of the Czech Republic.

Marek Kincl: The journey to becoming a product engineer was not straightforward. Alongside accumulating experience over time, I underwent numerous interviews with both local and international managers. The supportive attitude of my colleagues, whether local or international, has been consistent and invaluable since the beginning. I am deeply grateful for their assistance.

What does being a product engineer entail for you, and what motivated you to join NKT?

Marek Kincl: The role of a product engineer allows me to collaborate with a diverse range of individuals, from technologists to designers, sales representatives, marketing professionals, and our target customers. The job’s diversity ensures that each day brings new challenges and tasks. My motivation stemmed from NKT offering me this position despite my initial lack of experience in the field, having recently graduated from university.

What key skills and knowledge have you acquired from Mr. Musil? How do you intend to apply these in your new role?

Marek Kincl: I greatly value Mr. Musil’s versatile expertise in the field. Although my academic background is in chemical engineering, and chemistry plays a crucial role in cable manufacturing, this domain was initially unfamiliar to me. Mr. Musil’s esteemed reputation as an expert, both within NKT and throughout the Czech Republic, underscores the significance of inheriting his wealth of knowledge and experiences. It is a profound honor and responsibility which I endeavor to fulfill diligently.

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